Thursday 4 March 2021

Get Relief From Chronic Backpain With Chiropractic Care

 If your back pain is bothering you for a long time, you are not alone. Chronic back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit a doctor or miss days at work. People with chronic pain or intractable pain are in constant, severe pain the effects their life. 

The term "intractable pain" originated during World War II as a clinical condition of soldiers who required opioids like morphine for relief from constant pain. This type of pain persists beyond an expected time frame, and it doesn’t respond to the potent medications and other pain management techniques. 

Experienced Rockville chiropractor MD  can treat chronic back pain by using a variety of non-surgical treatments. Chiropractic care treatments such as spinal manipulation, cold laser therapy, lower back treatment are beneficial for chronic pain symptoms such as muscle stiffness and inflammation. 

What Does Chiropractic Treatment For Chronic Back Pain Involve?

Chiropractic treatment involves a plan designed around you; an experienced chiropractor first takes your medical history, evaluates your condition, and may suggest lab tests or diagnostic imaging. A treatment plan will be designed based on your unique needs and wants. 

In the case of chronic back pain, you may need to make a series of visits over several weeks. Your treatment will involve spinal manipulation, acupuncture, therapeutic exercises, and manual therapies. 

Acupuncture is also useful for chronic back pain. It involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points throughout your back. They are stimulated by twisting or passing a low-voltage electrical current through them.  

Well-performed acupuncture by Rockville chiropractor MD helps the body to release naturally occurring pain-killing chemicals such as serotonin, endorphins, and acetylcholine. A recent study of 22 subjects who got acupuncture experienced long-term relief from chronic back pain. 

It exhibited significant improvement in pain with acupuncture compared to people who received a “sham” treatment. Along with acupuncture, a chiropractor will provide you with simple exercises that you can do at home. Such exercises help in preventing pain from coming back.

If other treatments have failed for your chronic back pain, chiropractic treatment is the best alternative treatment for pain relief. Chiropractic care and spinal manipulation are beneficial and safe treatments for chronic back pain. Research has proven the effectiveness of chiropractic care for treating neck pain and sciatica. 

Visiting an experienced chiropractor like Rockville Chiropractor can help you overcome some or all of your symptoms. Chiropractic treatment involves the physical adjustment of vertebrae in your back. It can have a myriad of positive benefits without the invasiveness of surgery or other intense treatment options. 

Is chiropractic treatment right for your chronic back pain?

To help you find an answer, let’s take a look at some of the top benefits of getting a chiropractic adjustment.

  1. Eliminate tension or stiffness in back muscles.

  2. Restore proper alignment of the back and vertebrae.

  3. Relieve pressure and stress.

  4. Reduce muscle inflammation.

  5. Restore range of motion.

  6. Improve blood circulation.

  7. Speeds up the recovery process.


About 60% to 80% of the US population suffers from chronic or acute lower back pain. It affects the quality of everyday life and counts among the most common reasons for missing work. According to an estimate, about $50 billion are invested for chronic back pain treatment in the States, which signifies its importance.

With many benefits, an expert's chiropractic treatment improves the quality of life by enhancing the enjoyment of your fundamental values. 

Are you tired from chronic or acute back pain? Rockville chiropractor MD is here to help! We provide chiropractic care and treatment that is effective, quick, and completely safe. With our help, You can say goodbye to chronic back pain!

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